Dear yoga friends,2020 unfortunately didn’t turn out to be the glorious year we’d hoped for; instead it presented us with many challenges and hard times. In order to maintain some sense of normalcy, we decided early on in the pandemic to keep our shala open as a place of peace, recovery and sanity for all our members who needed/wanted to continue to come to class. Keeping our doors open has been a balancing act in safeguarding everyone’s continued mental and physical health and at the same time preventing further spread of Covid-19. It’s only thanks to good teamwork and that you’ve all carefully complied with our precautionary measures, that we’ve managed it so far.
With this newsletter, we want to thank you all for your cooperation, commitment and support. Together we made it through 2020 and now we approach 2021 with fresh hope and optimism. We’d love to keep seeing you on the yoga mat, either live at the shala or via the screen in our virtual Mysore room. Below you find information about how we kick out 2020 and welcome 2021 at the shala. The newsletter contains our opening hours and special classes/workshops during the Christmas and New Year holidays as well as a taste of what awaits in January and the spring of 2021.
From 24/12 to 3/1, a Christmas & New Year schedule applies with regular Mysore classes and some special workshops. Several of the classes are also available online. Unfortunately, Corona forced us to postpone Matt Ryan’s guest workshop until June 2021, but instead we have added some extra events for everyone who stays at home during the holidays.
– 27/12: WORKSHOP “BREATH & BANDHA“, 12-14:00 – learn how the breath and body locks can affect your yoga practice (and life in general).
– 28/12: BEGINNERS INTRO class, at 17:15. Isabella gives a quick overview of the Ashtanga yoga basic principles, breathing technique and sun salutations. Following the session, participants have the opportunity to attend any number of Mysore classes for two weeks at no extra cost. A perfect Christmas present for a friend or someone you love. (NOTE! Another introductory class takes place on 10/1-2021)
– 30/12: 108 SUN SALUTATIONS – charity class, at 17.15 (also online). We end the year in the spirit of giving and traditionally do 108 sun salutations in support of V-Care in Mysore, India. This small charity, which we support since many years, primarily helps children and young people from the most vulnerable groups in India to get an education and the opportunity to have a better future. Our contribution is even more important in times of lockdown, closed schools and difficulties in earning a living for the poorest in India.
– 31/12 NEW YEAR’S YOGA – last class of the year (!). At 9-10:30 Isabella leads a guided Primary series class. Come and end the year of 2020 in the best way and let us together bring a positive energy into 2021. The class is also broadcast online.
THE SPRING SCHEDULE starts on 4/1-2021 with regular morning Mysore classes. Our evening courses start in week 3 + 4. As a result of Covid-19, we are extending our online teaching for as long as necessary. All Mysore classes are broadcast live via Zoom and several of our extra courses also offer the opportunity for online participation. To participate, a monthly/season card or an online membership is required. In 2021, we also open up for customers with old “klippkort” to use these for online practice (only previously purchased cards). Contact us for more information.
NEW COURSES starting in January 2021:
– PRANAYAMA & CHANTING: Isabella’s pranayama course from last summer returns with an addition of chanting. The course is held on Fridays once a month (also online).
– YOGA PHILOSOPHY immersion: a 2part course taught by Isabella and Miho (also online). Participants will get an insight into yoga as a lifestyle and how the postures on the yoga mat can be linked to everyday life. The course combines yoga philosophy in theory and practice.
– YIN YOGA & MEDITATION with Miho continues on Tuesday evenings starting on 19/1 (the course is also held online).
– ASHTANGA intro class 11/1 & FOUNDATION COURSE 25/1– for newcomers to Ashtanga.
– ASHTANGA FOUNDATION LEVEL 2 – with Sara resumes on 21/1 on Thursday evenings. The class/course is suitable for those who have taken a beginner’s course and want to continue the guided class format or those who have had a break from practice and want to refresh their Ashtanga memory.
That’s all for now; thank you once again for your participation and commitment during the past year. Our yoga community is very valuable to us and we hope that soon again we’ll be able to organize social gatherings and events where we can meet off the yoga mat. We hope for example to hold our annual Christmas potluck brunch in spring time instead. Take care of yourselves, stay healthy and have a lovely holiday season no matter how you celebrate it this year. If you feel lonely, the shala is open most days and you can come find company there even if we keep distance between the yoga mats.
Please stay updated between newsletters by following our pages on social media and if you’re not yet a member of our private Facebook group, we recommend that you apply to get access.
Warm seasonal greetings
Isabella and crew
P.S Until otherwise announced, we follow both the Public Health Authority’s restrictions as well as our internal rules at the shala (read them here before you come to class).