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| Isabella Nitschke

Autumn has arrived and the air is crisp when one walks to the shala in the mornings. This is a lovely period with beautiful colours in nature before the darkness and cold weather sets in in a month’s time. With the lower temperatures the seasonal colds also arrive and many of you have been affected in recent weeks. Please be careful not to practice when you are sick or feel like you are about to get sick, especially if you have a sore throat, muscle aches and/or fever. If you only have a runny nose or perhaps a lingering cough, it's fine to take an easy practice, it may even help get rid of old mucus in the airways. It can also be helpful to do Neti, i.e. flushing the nose/sinuses with salt water. Washing your hands is also always highly recommended to avoid getting sick in the first place! You are welcome to send us questions if you are unsure about a cold, an injury or anything else that affects your yoga practice.

Half of the autumn semester has already passed and the first round of Ashtanga yoga foundation courses has finished. It is always a pleasure to meet new and curious yoga adepts and we hope to inspire to a continued yoga practice. Of course, this also applies to our existing participants with whom we have the joy of sharing every morning - one can't get a better start to the day! During the remaining part of the autumn, we have several interesting events, courses/workshops and social gatherings planned and we hope to keep seeing everyone on the yoga mat. Stay up to date about what’s happening at the shala by continuing to read this newsletter.

THE AUTUMN SCHEDULE - runs until 20 December, after which there’ll be a special Christmas & New Year schedule in place for a few weeks. Remember to always check our schedule page for any temporary schedule changes or if there is a cover teacher (scroll to the bottom of the page below the schedule). You can also keep up to date by following us on social media (links above in the menu), and if you are not a member of our closed Facebook grupp, we recommend applying to it to get access to the latest news and updates at short notice.

GUIDED CLASS – is taught one Sunday a month. The next session is on Sunday 10th November at 9:00. Isabella guides you through the Primary Series of Ashtanga yoga in traditional Sanskrit. You don't have to master the entire series to take part, but you need to have a regular ashtanga yoga practice. After class, we gather for tea&talk where we have “fika” and discuss a yoga-related topic. If you have any questions about yoga or your practice, please send them in advance so that we can prepare for an interesting conversation.

BREATH TECHNIQUE - is the focus of the monthly special workshops that Isabella teaches this semester. During the first session that happened in September, we explored the natural breath and the function/application of body locks (bandha). The second session takes place on Sunday 27th October with the theme "Breathing, singing (chanting) and mindfulness - tools for inner well-being". You may join even if you were unable to attend the session. Please read more and register beforehand here


New batches of beginners and foundation level 2 courses start early November (after the autumn holidays). There are two 6-week intensive Ashtanga yoga courses for those interested in learning more about the method. You find the intensives and all other upcoming courses on our events page. The page is updated regularly. Please help us and recommend our courses and events to friends, colleagues, family and others who may be keen to start yoga. Sharing is caring!

108 SUN SALUTATIONS - charity event on 15 NOVEMBER

Since 2016, Ashtanga Yoga Malmö supports the organisation V-Care Mysuru in India. This small NGO works to help children from the most vulnerable, marginalised groups in society get access to schooling and education. Girls and boys are also taught about gender equality through theatre, dance and other cultural events where the children learn in a playful manner.

This year we do 108 sun salutations at the full moon on Friday 15th November to raise money in support of V-Care. Join the challenge and do all or some sun salutations guided by Isabella. The class is free of cost apart from your donation and if you can’t take part physically, you are welcome to make a contribution anyway. Sll proceeds go directly to V-Care. Read more about the event, how to sign up and donate here


Following our annual tradition, we invite all our members with family and friends to an advent brunch on Sunday 8th December. After the guided Primary series class we gather and celebrate together. It’s a chance to give thanks for the past year and an opportunity to get to know each other off the yoga mat. The party has become a much appreciated event and the food is always delicious! It's a pot-luck and everyone is asked to bring a small (veg.) contribution to the brunch buffet. This year there will also be kirtan in connection to the brunch. You can read more here about both the party and the kirtan (separate registration).


Escape the winter and join Isabella in Tenerife from 18th-25th January 2025 for a week’s yoga retreat. It is the third year in a row that Isabella teaches at Purple Valley Yoga Center Tenerife. Take the chance to start the year in the best way, fill up with energy for the rest of the winter and lay a solid foundation for 2025. If you haven't been to Tenerife, take the opportunity to experience the unique retreat centre with exciting architecture and the amazingly good food - and the fabulous yoga of course J! Read more about the week, the program and how to book here

That’s all for now, but before we finish we need to inform you of a slight adjustment to drop-in and “klippkort” prices that we had to make. You can see all our current prices here. The next newsletter will be distributed in December with more information about the Christmas & New Year schedule, plus a sneak peek at the upcoming spring semester. Please stay updated in between newsletters by checking our website and social media regularly. If you haven't been to the shala for a while and/or if you send us questions by email, please be aware that we don’t read/reply to emails outside office hours or on weekends.

Welcome to our warm and cosy shala at Värnhem,

Isabella & crew 

P.S Remember to use your wellness allowance before the end of the year!