Summer event - Kirtan & songs from South America

Social Event
  2024-06-09 11:30 - 13:30

  Ashtanga Yoga Malmö

After the guided class on Sunday, 9th of June, we invite you to a potluck with music and song. Bring something tasty to the table and come sing, dance or just listen to the tones and rhythm.

Kirtan is part of Bhakti yoga (the yoga of devotion), which originated in India. During kirtan, mantras are sung, which usually have a symbolic meaning and symbolic vibrational tone. Everyone participates in the singing (call & response), but if one prefers to just listen end enjoy this is also possible.

Our musicians and vocalists are Matilda, Jenny, Victoria and Martin – they all have different musical backgrounds but share the same intention to pass on the joy and playfulness of the music. This event is inspired by music from the indigenous people of South America and the group weaves together songs from the East to the West.

Everyone is welcome - young and old, with or without previous kirtan experience!

Suggested donation: SEK 100-250 (via swish on site)

Date and time: Sunday 9th June 11:30-13:30 (the fika/potluck starts at 11am )

Location: Grangatan 2, Värnhem / Ashtanga Yoga Malmö




List of Dates (Page event details)

  • 2024-06-09 11:30 - 13:30